Jbidwatcher 2.99 pre
Jbidwatcher 2.99 pre

jbidwatcher 2.99 pre

I have no problem spending some of the money Gixen has saved me back into the system.To not do that is borderline unethical. Seriously if this website hasn't saved you at least $10 or whatever the fee is these days, you really need to try harder.


Ok I might as well say hello as this is my 1st forum post.hello worldI might pay for the mirror just to thank the site for helping me win an auction not because I plan to come back or looking for a good deal or even bid on auctions much.I do plan to come back, I did win a good deal on my auction and I would like to say it has been fun writing with an underline under all this text and to use forum code for italics oh and THANK YOU and I might just go looking for something to bid on just so I do have a reason to come back and subscribe thanks for the countdown timer it gave me time to write this post, and put the bins out and make a coffee and put dinner on I know I can't read fast, actually I bet it took me longer than 60 seconds to read the first post.anyway Quote: A few observations: is where I got up to when I thought I will tab over to the login page and click refresh then I was logged in as I already saved the login cookie to be here. I clicked to come here to kill time I knew if I started reading your forum replies the timer would go away soon enough. If my auction were still active I was already confident the platform was doing it's job.Ok I type a bit and get into bla bla bla mode sometimes but there is the answer as to why I decided to click the link next to the timer to find out why the timer was there. If I can explain.When I came to the site I was not in a rush to login as I already downloaded the desktop app and it is running fine and even though my running auction has ended that was not a reason for me to rush to login. But in contrast to O.P it didn't bother me having to wait to login.

jbidwatcher 2.99 pre

Mind you this is not my first visit here so I knew it was there. Here is why!I come to the main page and I noticed the countdown timer to log in. Cupid wrote: I think what Mario is saying is that he is prepared to lose a few, in order to try and make the service more sustainable for the rest by increasing the proportion that support the service.A few observations: Trimmed the quote because that it as far as I got.

jbidwatcher 2.99 pre

My advice would be to axe that whole idea asap. Instead of getting me to become a aying member, its made me decide not to become a paying member. So at least in this case, your 60 second timer has had the exact opposite effect.

jbidwatcher 2.99 pre

I just cant support a site that uses such methids to try and get people to become paying customers. Its even more annoying than video sites making you watch advertisements. Its best to just enter the amount you are willing to pay in Gixen and leave it at that, but forcing people to wait 60 seconds for no reason at all has ade me consider using a different bidding service altgether.


I have been using the free version of Gixen for years but I have been seriously considering upgrading to the paying service the last couple of months as I have become a much more serious collector over the last year and I try and avoid bidding at all as I have seen prices go insanely high on items simply becuce a couple of people got into a bidding war. By clicking on "Log in Now" you agree to terms of usage.Įnter characters from the following image:

Jbidwatcher 2.99 pre